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The adage “All work and no play make Jack a dull boy” has acquired a lot of significance today. Indeed students are faced with much pressure from parents and teachers as well as examinations and competition. Knowledge is one’s greatest possession but that should not let extracurricular or co-curricular activities take a back seat. Both are equally important. It is to be noted that the curriculum includes at least four periods per week devoted to a non academic subject.


Most students at one time or another should engage in an extracurricular activity. Whether it is sports, music, or a social or academic club, being involved in an activity that takes place at school or after school brings many benefits. Involvement in these activities is a good way to help him develop the skills that extracurricular activities enhance:


  • Everyone has a hidden talent which needs to be woken up from its hibernation. Students should be given the opportunity to discover this new side realise what they are capable of achieving.


  • Participation in extra-curricular activities helps personality development, give faith to students and raise their self-esteem. They become bold and learn how to face life.


  • Extra-curricular activities enhance a student’s sense of belonging and engagement at school. He learns the importance of teamwork, responsibility and long term commitment.


  • Leisure and recreation play a key role in overcoming stress. They cool the mind and give peace.


  • Education is incomplete without non academic achievement. Also universities and employees look beyond grades and marks. They judge students on all round criterion and skills and the candidates’ involvement in activities.


  • Extra-curricular activities bring a balance in a student’s life and keep him active and energetic.



  • Through activities students meet new youngsters, socialize and make friends, share common interests and make new bonds.


  • Students are trained to develop better time management and prioritize skills by handling different things.

"I have long recognized a link between fitness and mental health and I think we need to encourage young people to take part in sports and team activities because we know it has such positive results."

(Tipper Gore)


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