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Mauritius being an agriculture-based economy, it’s essential that the students be taught the basics of agriculture. The Agricultural  & MID Club is affiliated to the Agricultural Research and Extension Unit and benefits much in terms of useful advice and proper guidance. The students learn about their environment and the plants surrounding them, developing the culture of going green. The vegetable garden and beautiful flowers are the result of their passion and dedication. A special medicinal corner is their latest achievement.


Life Skills Education


The Life Skills education is a non-formal type of education, which equips young people with information and skills to help them to face the challenge of daily living. This course is run by the Ministry of Youth & Sports for students of Forms 3 and 4. A certificate of participation is awarded to all those who have completed the course.


Integrity Club


The aims and objectives of the club is to educate children on the dangers of corruption. A corner in the library is reserved for corruption prevention materials and tools. Students participate in competitions organized by the the Independent Commission Against Corruption such as Art competitions, seminars and sensitize their friends about the importance of leading a true and honest life.


Music and Dance


When it comes to music and dance, our students embrace the fun of singing and dancing to the beat or creating their own interpretation. They never miss an opportunity of showing their talents, enhancing physical, emotional and social skills. Studies have shown that music and dance apart from their soothing effect have impacted the way children learn and process knowledge.  


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